In June 2009 the International Labour Conference unanimously adopted a 'Global Jobs Pact' to address the social and employment impact of the recent international financial and economic crisis. The Pact promotes a productive recovery centred on investments, employment and social protection. It provides ...
DevNetJobs Jobs, careers, UN, aid, NGOs, consultancy, consultancies, international development community, consulting in UN, Environment, NGOs, non profits, charity, International Development and Voluntary sector. Over 22,000 international organisations p
DevNetJobs Jobs, careers, UN, aid, NGOs, consultancy, consultancies, international development community, consulting in UN, Environment, NGOs, non profits, charity, International Development and Voluntary sector. Over 1800 international organisations pos
ILO, ‘Jobs and Livelihoods at the Heart of the Post-2015 Development Agenda - ILO Concept Note on the Post-2015 Development Agenda’ (2013) <> accessed 26 April 2020, 2; UN De...
In June 2009 the International Labour Conference unanimously adopted a 'Global Jobs Pact' to address the social and employment impact of the recent international financial and economic crisis. The Pact promotes a productive recovery centred on investments, employment and social protection. It provides ...
In June 2009 the International Labour Conference unanimously adopted a 'Global Jobs Pact' to address the social and employment impact of the recent international financial and economic crisis. The Pact promotes a productive recovery centred on investments, employment and social protection. It provides ...
In June 2009 the International Labour Conference unanimously adopted a 'Global Jobs Pact' to address the social and employment impact of the recent international financial and economic crisis. The Pact promotes a productive recovery centred on investments, employment and social protection. It provides ...