UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- A UN spokesperson said Tuesday that the United Nation's determination on the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change remains unchanged despite the U.S. notice of withdrawal. "Our determination to move forward on the implementation of the Paris Agreement remains...
WMO秘书长索罗(Celeste Saulo)通过声明表示:“一年接一年不断创纪录,这应该要为决策者敲醒警钟。我们显然偏离“巴黎协议”(Paris Agreement)的目标。”根据2015年签订的巴黎协议,相较于1850年到1900年的全球气温平均值,缔约国同意将全球气温升幅限制在“远低于”2°C,并努力将气温升幅控制在1.5°C内。WMO...
古特瑞斯说,2015年联合国195个成员国签订的《巴黎协议》(2015 Paris Climate Agreement)呼吁,全球暖化程度应限制在摄氏1.5度内。他认为,这个目标虽仍有可能完成,但需立刻采取激进的气候保护行动。虽然目前已有些进展,像是广泛推出可再生能源等,但这些还不够、速度也太慢。古特瑞斯强调,全球都要迅速减少温室...
[6]https://unfccc.int/topics/adaptation-and-resilience/workstreams/loss-and-damage/warsaw-international-mechanism#:~:text=The%20COP%20established%20the%20Warsaw,that%20are%20particularly%20vulnerable%20to [7]https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/english_paris_agreement.pdf...
"The United States notified the Secretary-General, in his capacity as depositary, of its withdrawal, on 27 January 2025, from the Paris Agreement of 12 December 2015," Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN chief Antonio Guterres, said at a daily briefing. ...
I would say since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, we've made really great progress. In 2016, one year after the Paris Agreement was adopted, we celebrated the installation of 180 gigawatts of renewable energy, and that year 700,000 electric vehicles were sold. Last year, over...
A swarm of locusts. /VCG Photo "The planet is burning, but too many decision-makers continue to fiddle," he said, adding that the global momentum for tackling the climate crisis has unfortunately stalled since the 2015 Paris Agreement. ...
Each of five scenarios for the future, based on how much carbon emissions are cut, passes the more stringent of two thresholds set in the 2015 Paris climate agreement. World leaders agreed then to try to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above levels in the ...
Under the UN Paris Agreement, countries committed to limiting global warming to well below 2 °C and to actively pursue a 1.5 °C limit. Yet, according to the 2018 Economics Nobel laureate William Nordhaus, these targets are economically suboptimal or unattainable and the world community shou...
The United Nations held its annual climate-change conference in early November 2021. The event served as a forum for countries to revisit the climate pledges they made under the 2015 Paris agreement and to offer revised plans for meeting these commitments in the decades ahead. Several large ...