He said the Arab Group demands the Security Council condemn this cyberterrorism and Israel's aggressions against the Palestinian people in Gaza and attacks on other countries, including Syria. In his national capacity, Aldahhak said Syria condemns the aggression and ongoing terrorism against the Leb...
Nowadays, on a rise of Cybersecurity incidents, with even more ferocious and sophisticated methods and tools of performing online attacks, the governments should struggle to create effective counter-measures, both in terms of technical endeavours and strong legal provisions. Following a successful ...
Given the clear and growing links between cyberspace and global peace and security, the UN Security Council can also play a key role by integrating cyber-related considerations into its existing workstreams and resolutions, he said. "Peace and security in the physical world demand new approaches t...
Today when we buy smartphones we have our focus mainly on the material quality, the number of cameras it has, or the design whereas cybersecurity experts say that our focus needs to be on the security of the device and privacy of your data, which we 100% agree with. Below we have 10...
En raison de la difficulté de sécuriser les points d'extrémité et de l'importance de les protéger,endpoint securityest une catégorie à part entière de la cybersécurité (avecnetwork security,cloud security,web application security,IoT security, etaccess control, entre autres). Il existe...
Un centre d'opérations de sécurité (SOC), également appelé centre d'opérations de sécurité de l'information (ISOC), est une installation dédiée dans laquelle les professionnels de la sécurité surveillent, analysent et atténuent les cybermenaces potentielles. Les organisations ...
These circumstances require developing effective policies focusing on how to cope with new challenges and who is responsible to tackle with them. In the efforts to build an efficient, integrated, legal and politically sustainable international cybersecurity system are engaged both nation states and ...
SOC interno o dedicato: Con questa configurazione, l’azienda utilizza il proprio personale per coinvolgere un team di cybersecurity. SOC virtuale: Il SOC funziona in genere da remoto e senza una struttura fisica. SOC globale: Si riferisce a un gruppo che supervisiona diversi altri SOC ...
Sempre più spesso gli hacker utilizzano i DdoS non come attacco principale, ma per distrarre la vittima da un crimine informatico più grave, ad esempio l'estrapolazione di dati o la distribuzione di ransomware in una rete mentre il gruppo di cybersecurity è impegnato a respingere l'at...
Étant donné que les IPS basés sur les anomalies réagissent à tout comportement anormal, ils peuvent souvent bloquer de toutes nouvelles cyberattaques qui pourraient échapper à la détection basée sur les signatures. Ils peuvent même détecter des attaques « zero-day », c’est-...