Unmuffle Translation Meaning in Tamil ParaCrawl Corpus Unmuffle Translation Meaning in Thai ParaCrawl Corpus Unmuffle Translation Meaning in Greek ParaCrawl Corpus Use the LG V30+ ThinQTM directional receiver as a quality mic to capture superb sound, unmuffled and distortion-free, even in loud...
I then let the dough sit in the freezer for 30 minutes to solidify. I took it out and we rolled it with a rolling pin.Once the dough was rolled out we took cookie cutters to it!Next step: enjoy!!!I wish I could make cookies with my little sister doll every day!!
RELIABLE, HIGH QUALITY ENGLISH TO TAMIL TRANSLATION 印度 母语:泰米尔语 时区:(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi 有空 登录后发布反馈? 登录后添加评论 联系方式 地址:Tirunelveli , Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu 627007, 印度 (显示地图) ...