jobs as our economy opens," T rump said at Wednesday night's coronavirus news briefing.T h e president had initially wanted to susp end all immigration to th e US to stop th e spre ad o f OV ID-19 and "protect American jobs",as 22 million hav e filed(申 ) for unemploym ent. ...
"For the Plan to work, however, we need a whole-of-society approach that includes everyone," Cooper said. "Through informed purchasing decisions, citizens can relieve the pressure exerted on biodiversity, one shopping cart at a time; Through their votes and engagement in the political process, ...
It shall be the policy of the Federal Government to aggressively combat the critical health challenges facing our citizens, including the rising rates of mental health disorders, obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. To do so, executive departments and agencies (agencies) that address health...
If given the right planning and management tools, this urbanization “can be transformative, creating jobs, reducing poverty, and improving citizens’ quality of life”. As a matter of fact, the Global Future Cities Programme (GFCP) aims to deliver this required support. Based on urban planning...
World Tourism Day 2021: ‘Tourism for Inclusive Growth’ In 2019, Travel & Tourism’s direct, indirect and induced impact accounted for: -US$8.9 trillion contribution to the world’s GDP -10.3% of global GDP -330 million jobs, 1 in 10 jobs around the world -US$1.7 trillion visitor expor...
All responsible leaders have an obligation to serve their own citizens, and the nation state remains the best vehicle for elevating the human condition. But making a better life for our people also requires us to with work together in close harmony and unity, to create a more safe and peacef...
The statement was made by Adam Elhiraika, Head of Macroeconomics and Governance Division at the ECA, as he emphasized that "economic transformation remains the surest and most sustainable channel through which jobs can be generated for Africa's growing labor force." ...
Let us not forget either that traditional products, whether these be medicines, cosmetics, toy, clothes, utensils or food, provide employment for local people. The spread of multinational products can often bring in its wake a loss of jobs, as people urn to buying the new brand, perhaps thin...
Flash forward to January 2012: the Israeli government approves the Prawer Plan for mass expulsion of the Arab Bedouin community in the Negev desert. When fully implemented, this plan will result in the forced displacement of up to seventy thousand Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel and the destructio...
Michelle Carter will take heat, possibly to the end of her days, for something she did at 17; and watchers of the nightly news will likely hold the same views years from now as they do in this very moment. Every time she applies for anything: college, jobs, apartment rentals, even a...