2、此标签的通用尺寸为120*110mm,最小尺寸为105*74mm; 3、在上图蓝色部分印电池地类型:“Lithium ion batteries“或“Lithium metal batteries”; 4、在上图黄色部分须要填上联系电话号码,能联系上有处理锂电池事故经验的人员。 除了这三种标签,在组合包装时,还需要在组合包装外面贴“Overpack”字样,对尺寸没有...
UN3091,锂金属电池与设备包装在一起(Lithium metal batteries packed withequipment) UN3481,锂离子电池安装在设备中(Lithium ion batteries contained inequipment) UN3481,锂离子电池与设备包装在一起(Lithium ion batteries packed withequipment) 所属分类:中国商务服务网/货代 ...
and safety is an essential component. The United Nations established the UN DOT 38.3 test methods and procedures to ensure lithium-ion batteries are suitable for transport. These test methods are designed to simulate many possible extreme conditions a battery may be subjected to during international ...
1) 损坏或缺陷的锂电池(UN3480、UN3481、UN3090、UN3091),不满足《试验和标准手册》的,按照P908 或 LP904 包装导则进行包装, 外包装需贴“损坏或有缺陷的锂离子电池(DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES)”或“损坏或有缺陷的锂金属电池(DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE LITHIUM BATTERIES)”标记。 2) ...
内容提示: - 420 - 38.3 Lithium metal and lithium ion batteries 38.3.1 Purpose This section presents the procedures to be followed for the classification of lithium metal and lithium ion cells and batteries (see UN Nos. 3090, 3091, 3480 and 3481, and the applicable special provisions of ...
联合国正确运输名称(英文): LITHIUM ION BATTERIES (including lithium ion polymer batteries) 包装类别:不适用 主要危险类别:9 电池模组出口按照9类危险品订舱出口,出口需要做危申报。 上海丹吉士国际物流有限公司王博原创,禁止抄袭。 联系方式 地址:上海市虹口区四平路773号金大地商务楼718室 ...
联合国正确运输名称(英文): LITHIUM ION BATTERIES (including lithium ionpolymer batteries) 包装类别:不适用 主要危险类别:9 9类危险品大部分船公司还是接的,电池稍微有点特殊,有一部分船公司不接,订舱的时候需要注意。 比如HMM船公司完全不接锂电池类产品,母船,共仓船 是他们家的 都不要订,因为仓位下不来。
•ABatteryisanumberofcellsconnectedtoeachother RestrictedCommoditiesGroup|January2013 LITHIUMIONBATTERIES Step4–HowmanyCellsdoesyourpackagehaveintotal? ≤8Cells>8Cells Note:Donotconfusepackagewithoverpack.Therearenorestrictionsforthenumberofpackages(andthereforecells)peroverpack. ...
新能源电池UN38.3鉴定报告测试周期,锂金属电池 lithium metal battery:以锂金属或锂合金作为阳极的锂电池,通常是不可充电的一次性电池。锂金属电池一般用作手表,计算器,相机,温度数据记录仪的能源。锂离子电池lithium ion battery(Li-ionbattery):以离子态或类原子态锂嵌于正负电极材料中的锂电池,通常是可充电的二次...
Short circuit means a direct connection between positive and negative terminals of a cell or battery that provides a virtual zero resistance path for current flow. Small battery means a lithium metal battery or lithium ion battery with a gross mass of not more than 12 kg. Small cell means a...