(about) themselves and their experiences in such a traditionally male-dominated scene. Aside from brief fashions thanks to movements such as Riot Grrrl, female punk rock icons have been few and far between and almost always had to contend with gender stereotypes aimed at raising girls to please...
" according to the release. UN Women's new data on gender parity across leadership positions is published as the world commemorates the International Day for Women in Diplomacy on June 24, created to recognize and celebrate how women are breaking barriers and making a difference in diplomacy....
said African countries required gender-inclusive policies in order to tame the devastating impacts of climate change, including floods, droughts, forced displacement, and resource-based conflicts, taking a heavier toll on women.
yetthedividepersistsacrossregions,gender, income,language,andagegroups. Some89percentofpeopleinEuropeareonline,butonl y21percentofwomeninlow-incomecoun- triesusetheInternet.1Whiledigitallydeliverable servicesnowaccountforalmosttwothirdsofglobals ervicestrade,accessisunaffordableinsomepartsoft heworld.Thecostofasm...
Breaking Barriers for Gender and Health Equity Through Research A virtual Nature Conference exploring the key challenges. View on-demand "At Springer Nature we want to provide a home for SDG-related knowledge, facilitating the discovery, sharing, use and reuse of research and making connections to...
In its report, the fact-finding mission on Venezuela, commissioned by the U.N.-backed Human Rights Council, denounced rights violations including arbitrary detentions, torture, and sexual and gender-based violence by the country's security forces that “taken as a who...
This article examines how ableism reinforces racialized ideals of sexual difference, focusing on elite sport regulations that condition eligibility for women's competition on intersex athletes' testosterone levels. These regulations disqualify cisgender women athletes, overwhelmingly African runne...
2024 第四届运河城市模拟联合国大会(The Fourth Canal Cities Model United Nations Conference),在中国驻纽约总领事馆的特别支持下,在联合国官方合作组织United Network Europe (UNE)的指导下,并在各地外事及教育部门的支持下,由费城世界事务理事会World Affairs Council of Phialdelphia与费城之窗Window of Philadelphia...
It is accused not only of attempting to collapse efforts on the shift away from fossil fuels agreed at COP28 last year, but also of blocking action on wider issues such as the gender-related impact of climate change at the COP29 climate summit in Baku in November. ...
“Fears are rising, particularly with generative AI, that AI tools and increased automation will put more people out of decent work, posing social and economic challenges. Similarly, inaction on gender biases in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields threatens to perpetuate inequalities...