Not including the specialized agencies, whose budgets depend on the voluntary contributions of those nations desiring to participate. See the Charter, Articles 9–22. General Assembly Resolution No, 377 A(V), November 3, 1950. Google Scholar The Uniting for Peace Resolution has received much schol...
Had I lost the friend of my life, in the wreck of the Royal Charter; had I lost my betrothed, the more than friend of my life; had I lost my maiden daughter, had I lost my hopeful boy, had I lost my little child; I would kiss the hands that worked so busily and gently in th...
The Charter was adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe with the participation of the European Association of Judges (EAJ), the European Association of Judges for Democracy and Freedom (MEDEL) and 13 judge-experts from various European jurisdictions. 7. The final version of the Princ...
One hundred years later, given the Friars’ no-religion charter, it seems hardly surprising that scientific experimentation should feature so heavily on their agenda. Hudson Gurney (1775-1864) inherited considerable wealth from the Gurney banking side and from the Barclay Perkins brewery, one of t...
un convention on the rights of persons with disabilities 联合国残疾人权利公约(英).doc,United Nations A /61/611 Distr.: General 6 December 2006 Original: English General Assembly Sixty-first session Item 67 (b Promotion and protection of human rights: hum
2011. Children’s charter for disaster risk reduction. Accessed 30 May 2015. UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2000. United Nations 2000 World Disaster Reduction Campaign to focus on disaster ...