UN3481,锂电池装在设备内,packing group是多少?提问者:书记190 | 分类:其他 | 浏览90次| 悬赏分:1积分2019-04-28 09:58:35 因锂电池芯大于20WH,属于危险品,空运需要填SHIPPER’S DECLARATION FOR DANGEROUS GOODS,packing group是必填,不知道是多少 我要回答 提交 匿名 0条回答 按默认排序| 按时间排序 ...
For shipments tendered without an IATA Air Waybill, lithium battery packages of UN3481 or UN3091 prepared and marked/labeled in accordance with Section II of the relevant Packing Instruction should also be marked with appropriate information on the address label or adjacent to the mark ...
1、符合包装说明966、967、969、970第I节规定(即贴有第9类危险性标签)的包装件不需要粘贴锂电池操作标签,适用货机运输时还需要仅限货机标签。 2、对于安装在设备中的锂离子电池UN3481和安装在设备中的锂金属电池UN3091,若其包装件符合包装说明967和970第II节的规定,且其安装在设备中的电池芯不超过4个或电池不...
1、符合包装说明966、967、969、970第I节规定(即贴有第9类危险性标签)的包装件不需要粘贴锂电池操作标签,适用货机运输时还需要仅限货机标签。 2、对于安装在设备中的锂离子电池UN3481和安装在设备中的锂金属电池UN3091,若其包装件符合包装说明967和970第II节的规定,且其安装在设备中的电池芯不超过4个或电池不...
UN 3090 (5)Packing Group n/a (6)Labels (7)Special Provisions (§172.102) ×Note: Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Ple...
UN 3171 (5)Packing Group n/a (6)Labels (7)Special Provisions (§172.102) ×Note: Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. P...
. Amend the last sentence to read as follows: “Packing group III should be assigned to metal powders if the reaction spreads over the whole length (100 mm) of the sample in more than five minutes but not more than ten minutes.”. Section 34 34.3.1 Add the following new...
Restricted Commodities Group| January 2013 LITHIUM BATTERIES UN3480,Lithium Ion Batteries-Packing Instruction 965 Section IB Restricted Commodities Group| January 2013 LITHIUM BATTERIES UN3481,Lithium Ion Batteries packed with equipment -Packing Instruction 966 Section II ...
锂电池包装方式 Packing type 联合国编号 UN Number 包装要求 Packing requirements 锂离子电池单独运输 Lithium lon cells or batteries only UN 3480 PI965 锂离子电池与设备包装在一起运输 Lithium lon cells or batteries packed with equipment UN 3481 PI966 锂离子电池安装在设备中运输 Lithium lon cells or ...