该中心的多学科团队现处于和平与安全学习解决方案研究的最前沿。 (四)蓝线(Blue Line)学习中心 “蓝线”是一个学习生态系统,其设计和概念具有明确的目标:成为一个独特的全球学习中心,向所有联合国工作人员开放,以实现个性化和自主学习。加入蓝线的联合国工作人员可以: 1. 选择自己的管理、领导力和创新方面的精选在...
The continued daily exchanges of fire across the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel pose a grave risk to regional stability. Increasingly, there have been strikes on civilian areas, with civilian casualties on both sides of the Blue Line, in addition to a rising number of fatalities among com...
uncoloured Thesaurus uncoloured (ʌnˈkʌləd)or uncolored adj 1.with no colour or with no colour added 2.not influenced or biased Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
1 Fixed bug: a green line appear in the output video files. 2 Fixed bug: audio conversion errors. 3 Fixed bug: "All to MPG" can't be played by Window Media Player. 4 Fixed bug: Convert video files with SRT subtitle 5 Added "All to MOV" 6 Added "Serbian-Latin" , "Croatian" ,...
Blue Line(1995) Giulio Senni Agente di Rossi Un caso d'amore(1996) Costantino Drago Agente in borghese Un caso d'amore(1996) Giuseppe Delli Carri Agente in borghese Un caso d'amore(1996) Domenico Pastorelli Ramon Un caso d'amore(1996) ...
Of the six tunnels, five have been confirmed and three have been found to cross the Blue Line in violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1701. UNIFIL has informed the Lebanese authorities of the violation and requested urgent actions on the tunnels from the Lebanese government....
Blue Line(1995) Giulio Senni Agente di Rossi Un caso d'amore(1996) Costantino Drago Agente in borghese Un caso d'amore(1996) Giuseppe Delli Carri Agente in borghese Un caso d'amore(1996) Domenico Pastorelli Ramon Un caso d'amore(1996) ...
line aux 0 line vty 0 4 ! ! end ip subnet-zero . . . ! end Remarque :cet exemple utilise uniquement l'authentification de groupe. L’authentification individuelle des utilisateurs n’est donc pas employée. Configuration du client VPN ...
My personal collection of D series packs has held firm at five for several years: I have three JanSport D3’s and two D5’s. Of the D3 packs, I have one each in blue, tan, and burnt orange. I have a blue and a tan D5, and never intended to expand my collection beyond that...
line retreat35. At the heavily pinned Sulzberger Ice Shelf, very little change has occurred over the past five decades, although pinning-point loss near the grounding line (Fig.2) suggests that warm water is now capable of reaching the grounding line and may represent the precursor to more ...