Building umu-launcher currently requires bash, make, and scdoc for distribution, as well as the following Python build tools: build, hatchling, installer, and pip.To build umu-launcher, after downloading and extracting the source code from this repository, change into the newly extracted directory...
pkgs/by-name/um/umu-launcher/package.nix Outdated Show resolved pkgs/by-name/um/umu-launcher-unwrapped/makefile-installer-prefix.patch Outdated Show resolved pkgs/by-name/um/umu-launcher-unwrapped/no-umu-version-json.patch Show resolved diniamo force-pushed the umu-launcher branch from 9257...
The Ubuntu Summit 2024 has been and gone, and with it we had a lot of good talks but with our focus on here with gaming there's two that stand out that you may wish to have a look at. Read the full article here:
Continuing to improve compatibility with Windows games on Linux outside of Steam, the Unified launcher for Windows games on Linux (UMU) has another release out now. Following on from thefirst official release in early October, this release focuses on various bug fixes and ensuring it works we...
ULWGL (Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher) as noted above has now been renamed toumu. What is it? A unified launcher for windows games on linux. It is essentially a copy of theSteam Linux Runtime/Steam Runtime Toolsthat Valve uses for proton, with some modifications ma...
Now considering that, and the fact that umu-launcher can only launch Windows games, we get that we wouldn't normally need extra packages in the FHS env. If for some reason we do anyway, then that can be added as a withSomething option (this makes sense for the nvidia dxvk thing), ...
I am on arch and have both gamemode and lib32-gamemode installed. when I run gamemoderun umu-run /home/rik/Games/Horizon\ Forbidden\ West\ Complete\ Edition/HorizonForbiddenWest.exe I am getting this error ERROR: object 'libgamemo... View details R1kaB3rN merged commit a3d5702 into Open-Wine-Components:main Jan 31, 2025 12 checks passed R1kaB3rN deleted the fedora-pyzstd branch January 31, 2025 01:11 MattSturgeon add...
In #343 I "fixed" the caller to python -m installer to respect --prefix and --destdir when set. This fixed some issues we had packaging umu-launcher in nixpkgs, however it has also changed the makefile's behaviour breaking assumptions fo...
ENABLE_HDR_WSI=1 DXVK_HDR=1 DISPLAY= umu-run "$GAME_EXECUTABLE" the game just won't run. I had read the archwiki document : The WINEPREFIX is installed with umu-launcher, and I had set the WINEPREFIX GAMEID PROTONPATH environment variables...