Agricultural and Food Economics (2023) 11:35 Page 11 of 31 Rapid‑conversion approach The same method but considering deforestation rates derived from Gaveau et al. (2016) has been adopted to investigate the concept of rapid conversion—i.e. deforestation car- ried out within 5 years ...
2012. Catch rates with variable strength circle hooks in the Hawaii-based tuna longline fishery. Bull. Mar. Sci., 88(3):425-447.Bigelow KA, Kerstetter DW, Dancho MG, Marchetti JA (2012) Catch rates with variable strength circle hooks in the Hawaii-based tuna longline fishery. Bull Mar ...
2012. Catch rates with variable strength circle hooks in the Hawaii-based tuna longline fishery. Bull. Mar. Sci., 88(3):425-447.Bigelow KA, Kerstetter DW, Dancho MG, Marchetti JA (2012) Catch rates with variable strength circle hooks in the Hawaii-based tuna longline fishery. Bull Mar ...
1989. Compar- ison of straight-line and over-the-curve measure- ments for growth rates of green turtles, Chelonia mydas. Bull. Marine Sci. 45:189-192.Bjorndal KA, Bolten AB (1989) Comparison of straight-line and over- the-curve measurements for growth rates of green turtles, Chelonia ...