3:Power-law relationship between width, depth, velocity, and discharge, per Leopold and Maddock (1953) This input file is set up to work foricalc = 1. channel_Mannings_nIn-channel flow resistance as a uniform value; is overridden by the following Manning's n ...
Go to the U of M home page. For Students, Faculty, and Staff. Faculty and Staff Directory. Faculty and Staff Intranet. Message from the Dean. Our Campuses: Duluth and Twin Cities. Postgraduate Pharmacy Residency Program. Experimental and Clinical Pharmac
If you have installed Anaconda without ticking the system-wide install check box, you need to use "conda" through the Anaconda Prompt rather than the standard terminal: After installing Anaconda, go to the Windows start menu, and search programs and files for "Anaconda Prompt". If you have i...