Umm Qasr Port-Location: Umm Qasr port is situated at the south end of Khor Al Zubair where it joins the Khor Abdulla. The sea approach to Umm Qasr is some 55 miles in length along the Khor Abdullah commencing in deep waters of the gulf near the mouth of shat Al Arab.The port is lo...
乌姆盖斯尔(Port of Umm Qasr)也叫 乌姆卡斯尔港,是伊拉克唯一的深水港口,乌姆盖斯尔港分南港(Umm Qasr Port(South))和北港(Umm Qasr(North)),是乌姆盖斯尔城市的一部分。 乌姆卡斯尔港是从伊拉克运到巴士拉港(Port of Basra)的产品的规模和数量在伊拉克的港口排行第二,这是具有重要战略意义,位于西部边缘的法奥半岛,...
3.与引航站保持联系: 船舶抵达引航站前,可在VHF CH14、CH16呼叫UMM QASR引航站,但一般情况下,没有进港计划,引航站不会回答,待有消息时,引航员上船前通过VHF12(或14、16)呼叫船方,告知具体的登轮时间。 4.通常引航站会通知进口船舶自引到NO.9号浮附近,引水由拖轮接送至商船,拖轮名字:“AL- FAYHAA” 5....
BASRA, Iraq (Reuters) - Operations were at a complete standstill at Iraq's Umm Qasr commodities port near Basra on Wednesday after protesters blocked its entrance in the previous day, port officials said. Umm Qasr receives imports of grain, vegetable oils and sugar ...
BASRA, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq's main seaport Umm Qasr reopened on Saturday at 3 a.m. (0000 GMT) and all operations have resumed after protesters left the port's entrance, port employees and government sources in the area said. All operations had been halted since Thursday, after...
Port of Umm Qasr in Iraq 图片来源 一、港口概况 1.港口名称:伊拉克乌姆卡斯尔(UMM QASR)港。 2.港口位置:经纬度:30°02′N,047°57′E。乌姆卡斯尔港也叫乌姆盖斯尔港,位于伊拉克第二大城巴士拉之南约 50 公里的伊科边境,波斯湾北部,祖拜尔湾西岸。伊拉克的南部 SHATTAL ARAR河东部与科威特交...
乌姆盖斯尔(Port of Umm Qasr)也叫 乌姆卡斯尔港,是伊拉克唯一的深水港口,乌姆盖斯尔港分南港(Umm Qasr Port(South))和北港(Umm Qasr(North)),是乌姆盖斯尔城市的一部分。 乌姆卡斯尔港是从伊拉克运到巴士拉港(Port of Basra)的产品的规模和数量在伊拉克的港口排行第二,这是具有重要战略意义,位于西部边缘的法奥半岛,...
Umm Qasr, Basra Governorate, IraqPort Code IQUQR Port Name Umm Qasr City Umm QasrCountry/Region Iraq Port Type Main Port Category Port City Latitude 30.027365Longitude 47.973 CHECK THE SEA FREIGHT RATES TO IQUQRUmm Qasr Port (port code: IQUQR) is the largest commercial port in Iraq. It is...
乌姆卡斯尔(UMM QASR)是伊拉克深水商港,位于该国第二大城巴士拉之南约50公里的伊科边境,祖拜尔湾西岸。乌姆卡斯尔港是伊拉克深水商港,位于该国第二大城巴士拉之南约50公里的伊科边境,祖拜尔湾西岸。船舶从科威特北部布比延岛东西入港,有铁路经祖拜尔至此。祖拜尔湾是波斯湾伸人伊拉克内陆的一个小湾,南北...
Marine survey in Basra, Baghdad, Erbil. Claims survey, P&I correspondence, shipping agency. Loc: UAE, IRAQ, KUWAIT, BAHRAIN, QATAR, OMAN, KSA, IRAN, YEMEN, SUD