Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) become a topic of great research on account of their exemplary properties (optical, electrical, and antimicrobial properties).
Augenklinik-AmbulanzHospital, 200 metres northwest Frauenklinik/AmbulanzHospital, 190 metres northwest HNO-AmbulanzHospital, 230 metres northwest Frauenklinik/KreißsaalHospital, 260 metres northwest FriedhofsverwaltungGovernment office, 310 metres southeastPlaces in the Area...
A gold/titanium nanotube-multiwalled carbon nanotube composite (Au/TNT-MWCNT) is presented. The gold composition comprises at least 3% weight of the nanotube composite based on the total weight of the nanotube composite and the gold composition is located in at least one of the wall of the ti...