Every so often you may find you need to type a character on your computer that is either foreign or just not available on a standard keyboard. The German umlaut is once such symbol. Used in the German language to indicate a change in sound, the umlaut can sometimes be found in names an...
This article will teach you how to type o with 2 dots over it on a keyboard (with alt code shortcuts), using either Mac or the Windows PC. This character (Ö) is called the Oumlaut. Without any further ado, let’s get to Work. ...
Expected: German umlauts working on a german keyboard To my surprise I have an US keyboard layout assigned by default, but the assignment of ‘z’ and ‘y’ corresponds to a German keyboard layout as well as all other keys: $ setxkbmap -print xkb_keymap { xkb_keycodes { include “evdev...