对象图 (Object Diagram) 构件图 (Component Diagram) 配置图 (Deployment Diagram) (2)行为图: 用例图 (Use Case Diagram) 状态图 (Statechart Diagram) 活动图 (Activity Diagram) 顺序图 (Sequence Diagram) 合作图 (Collaboration Diagram) ![JSYJ200208027_101](I:\markdownPic! 5.UML图与开发阶段的关系...
Singh, M., Sharma, A. K., & Saxena, R. (2016). Formal transformation of UML diagram: Use case, class, sequence diagram with Z notation for representing the static and dynamic perspectives of system. Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development....
活动图(Activity Diagram)是状态图的变种,它的状态表示操作所执行的活动(activity),其转换(transition)是由操作的完成而触发的.它表示了一个过程本身的状态机,过程是对类中一个操作的实现.构成活动图的元素有:Action State(活动状态)、Decision(判断)、Swimlane(泳道,在图中画出来就象游泳池中的泳道,把各个活动组...
doubt that others use this approach as well. I basically show the use case as a bubble across the top of the diagram, just like any other classifier, and show a message sent to it with the <> stereotype. This is consistent with both use case diagramming and sequence diagramming ...
UML-Anwendungsfalldiagramm Das Use-Case-Diagramm erfasst die Funktionalität und Anforderungen des Systems mithilfe von Akteuren und Anwendungsfällen. Anwendungsfälle modellieren die Dienste, Aufgaben und Funktionen, die ein System ausführen muss. ...
However, virtually every book on the UML offers some format suggestions for use cases (sometimes termed "use case narratives" or "use case descriptions" to clearly distinguish them from diagrams). Together, the use case diagram and narrative are referred to as the "use case model." There are...
Create a UML use case diagram Communication diagrams Use a communication diagram to show which elements in a system interact with other elements in terms of sequenced messages. Create a UML communication diagram Database notation diagrams Use a database notation diagram to draw a model of a ...
图1-1 实验步骤 2.1 创建用例图步骤: 1)右击浏览器窗口中的Use Case View,弹出快捷菜单; 2) 选择New?Use Case Diagram。系统自动在Use Case View下增加一个项目名:NewDiagram。我们把项目名改为: ATM系统用例图 3)双击” ATM系统用例图”,该用例图就在模型窗口中打开,如图1-2所示。图1-2 创建用例图 ...
starUML用户使用手册PAGEIIStarUML用户手册第一章StarUML概述 3StarUML是什么 3适合用户的UML工具 3真正的UMD支持 3高可扩充及适应性 3主要特征 3系统需求 4第二章基本概念 6模型、视与图(Model,ViewandDiagram) 6项目与单元 6项目 6单元 7模块 7方法(approaches) 8框架(Frameworks) 8UML轮廓(profile) 9第三...
SysML activity diagram SysML sequence diagram SysML state machine diagram Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) As communication supporting various business activities accelerates, it becomes more and more critical to have a standard modeling system that can be easily read and understood by a var...