This diagram shows how a deployment diagram is drawn for an Android application. The example uses different types of associations (composition, bi-directional association) to make links between the components and nodes. A dependency relationship exists between the MyApplication.apk and Android component...
一、部署图简介(Deployment Diagram Introduction) 二、部署图元素(Deployment Diagram Elements) 1、结点(Node) 2、结点实例(Node Instance) 3、结点类型(Node Stereotypes) 4、物件(Artifact) 5、连接(Association) 6、结点容器(Node as Container) 三、部署图项目示例(Deployment Diagram Example) 1、Web Server服务...
UML Deployment Diagram Example - ATM System UML diagrams The UML Deployment Diagram is used for visualization of elements and components of a program, that exist at the stage of its execution. It contains graphical representations of processors, devices, processes, and relationships between them. The...
UML Deployment Diagram Example - ATM System UML diagrams The UML Deployment Diagram is used for visualization of elements and components of a program, that exist at the stage of its execution. It contains graphical representations of processors, devices, processes, and relationships between them. The...
部署目标(Deployment target):通常用节点(Node)来表示,代表一个硬件设备或某些软件运行环境。节点可以通过communication paths构成任意复杂度的、网络连接的系统。 注意:在UML1.x部署图规范中,组件可以直接部署到节点中。但是在UML2.x规范中,实体可以部署到节点,实体也可以实现组件。组件则可以通过实体间接部署到节点。
三、部署图项目示例(Deployment Diagram Example) 分析: 1、Web Server服务器 一台Web服务器预装4个操作系统及其之上的4个IIS,由于客户访问量大,3个用来部署B2CWeb, 1个用来部署B2BB2E Web. 2、Web访问量分流设备 根据网站流量,自动定位客户访问流量小的服务器。
macOS, and Linux. The tool has several categories for almost all types of industries, and each category further has numerous templates to choose from, thus saving you a lot of time that you would otherwise waste in structuring a diagram, UML deployment diagram for this example, from scratch....
⼀、部署图简介(Deployment Diagram Introduction)⼆、部署图元素(Deployment Diagram Elements)1、结点(Node)2、结点实例(Node Instance)3、结点类型(Node Stereotypes)4、物件(Artifact)5、连接(Association)6、结点容器(Node as Container)三、部署图项⽬⽰例(Deployment Diagram Example)1、Web ...
部署图(Deployment Diagram)—UML图(九) UML部署图描述了一个运行时的硬件结点,以及在这些结点上运行的软件组件的静态视图。 部署图显示了系统的硬件,安装在硬件上的软件,以及用于连接异构的机器之间的中间件。 下面这张图介绍了部署图的基本内容: 下面这张图是一个部署图的实例:...
三、UML部署图项目示例(DeploymentDiagramExample) 分析: 1、WebServer 一台Web服务器预装4个操作系统及其之上的4个,由于客户访问量大,3个用来部署B2CWeb,1个用来部署B2BB2EWeb. 2、Web访问量分流设备 根据网站流量,自动定位客户访问流量小的服务器。 3、FTPServerAndSessionServer服务器 ...