Currently there are plenty of CASE tools which claim that they are able to generate the source code from UML models. Therefore by combining the knowledge of a programming language, syntax rules and UML class diagram notation semantic, an experimental model for stressing the code generator can be...
AI UML Diagram Generator With Miro AI, generating UML diagrams is as easy as entering your prompt and watching your diagram unfold in seconds. Say goodbye to needing to create from scratch and hello to getting started in seconds. Learn more Create powerful diagrams using Mermaid Easily build pow...
ClassDiagram.puml LICENSE generate_diagram go.mod go.sum Repository files navigation README Code of conduct MIT license GoPlantUML V2 GoPlantUML is an open-source tool developed to streamline the process of generating PlantUML diagrams from Go source code. With GoPlantUML, developers...
This is a generator to create a class-diagram of PlantUML from the C# source code. - pierre3/PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator
SciTech-CG-Graphics-Chart-CodeGenerator-PyQtGraph: 基于PyQt的图形绘制以及应用库: UML ClassDiagram/ FlowChart/StateMachine/正向与反向工程自动生成图或代码 UML class diagram: A pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt / PySide and numpy for use in mathematics / scientific / engineering ...
Research on Automatic Code Generation from UML Models Zhang Zhongbao 1 ,Han Tongxin 2 ,Liu Xiyang 1 1 Software Engineering Institute,Xidian University,Xi´an(710071) 2 School of Computer Science and Engineering,BUAA (100083) Abstract The Design and Implementation of Code Generator based on UML ...
This relationship is represented by a solid line with a hollow unfilled arrowhead that points from the child class to the parent class. 3.2.3. Generating We developed the XMI generator module to convert the extracted objects into XMI notation based on our defined rules for mapping the extracted...
Generates UML class diagrams from MATLAB m-code Programming language Brings diagrams into mkdocs documentation Use it with Markdown Use it from HTML code with JQuery JOII-based classes diagram generator Call it from Java Call it from Python ...
关键词 UML 代码自动生成 元模型 中图分类号 TP301 文献标识码 A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000 386x.2013.01.046 RESEARCHONAUTOMATICALLYGENERATINGC++CODEFROMUML CLASSANDSEQUENCEDIAGRAMS WangXiaoyu QianHongbing (SchoolofComputerScienceandEngineering,BeihangUniversity,Beijing100191,China) Abstract UMLisastandardmodelling...
Code 2 UML is a simple, easy to use application designed to enable you to construct UML class diagrams from java .class and .jar files. The whole program is designed as a wizard that guides you to the final result, the diagram.