1 类图/Class diagram 显示系统中的类和包,提供系统构件及其相互关系。静态结构建模 2 用例图/Use-case diagram 用例图从用户的角度描述系统功能的使用者和主要的系统操作流程。显示用例与参与者及其相互关系。系统功能建模 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 ctyun-xstore-vod-sdk-java ...
an object that participates in the scenario depicted in the diagram. In general: one instance or example of a given Classifier (Actor, Class, or Interface).
UML quick reference card. Another 1-page quick reference, great to be printed and keep close to you. UML Diagrams: Detailed overview of all UML diagrams (including the new features of the latest UML versions). It’s more a reference guide than a cheat sheet though, since each diagram has...
UML-图书管理系统设计其中包括用例图、类图、活动图、顺序图等等。(UML-library management system design including the use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram and so on.) 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...