UML 应该是大部分人最熟悉的制图方法了,最新的 UML 2.x 版本由以下两大类图组成: 结构图(Structural Diagrams):通过对象、属性、操作和关系等方式,强调系统的静态结构,其中最常见的类型包括类图(Class Diagram)、组件图(Component Diagram)和部署图(Deployment Diagram); 行为图(Behavioral Diagrams):通过展示对象之间...
[1]. Unified Modeling Language (UML) | Class Diagrams - GeeksforGeeks [2]. UML Class Diagrams Tutorial, Step by Step – Salma – Medium
> UML Class Diagram - Create UML Class Diagrams Posted by Allison Lynch | UML class diagram represents the static view of an application, which can be used both for general conceptual modeling and detailed modeling. Here is a guide on how to create UML class diagrams. Part 1: What is ...
[1]. Unified Modeling Language (UML) | Class Diagrams - GeeksforGeeks [2]. UML Class Diagrams Tutorial, Step by Step – Salma – Medium
}classcatextendsAnimal {publicvoidmeww() { System.out.println("meww! meww!"); } } 参考资料: [1]. Unified Modeling Language (UML) | Class Diagrams - GeeksforGeeks ...
UML class diagrams are a type of diagram that provide a graphical representation of the classes, interfaces, and objects in an object oriented system. They are
Presentation, PowerpointUml, Design
UML图分为结构图和行为图。 UML diagrams are divided into structure diagrams and behavior diagrams 结构图分为类图、轮廓图、组件图、组合结构图、对象图、部署图、包图。 Structure diagrams are divided into class diagrams, outline diagrams, component diagrams, composite structure diagram diagrams, object diag...
Right-click a class file or a package and select Diagrams | Show Diagram or Diagrams | Show Diagram Popup. Enable the Diagrams plugin This functionality relies on the Diagrams plugin, which is bundled and enabled in PyCharm by default. If the relevant features are not available, make sure...
在面向对象的软件分析及设计中,UML类图描述了系统中各个组成部分的静态结构关系。 定义 UML类图(Class Diagrams)是一种面向对象分析和设计中,描述被分析系统中各个组成部分之间相互关系的图形。 类图的理解 一直以来,大部分同学对类图存在一些误解。其中最重要的一条是类图中的类,与我们指定编程语言中的类,并不完全是...