UML Class Diagram Tutorial Component Diagram Tutorial Use activity diagrams to better visualize process flows and identify areas needing improvement or highlight areas of efficiency. UML can be easy to understand with visual tools like Lucidchart, so try it free today! Do you want to create your ...
创建活动图 单击工具栏上的New > New Diagram。 在New Diagram窗口中,选择Activity Diagram,然后单击Next。您可以使用上面的搜索栏来过滤图表。 为该图命名,然后单击“OK”。 在本教程中,该图将命名为Activity Diagram Tutorial。 然后,您将看到一个空图。 选择Vertical Swimlane,然后单击图表上的任何空白区域。 如...
类图(Class diagram) 包图(Package diagram) 对象图(Object diagram) 组件图(Component daigram) 组合结构图(Composite structure diagram) 部署图(Deployment diagram) 活动图(Activity diagram) 时序图(Sequence diagram) 用例图(Use case diagram) 状态图(State diagram) 协作图(Communication diagram) 交互关系概览图...
Overview of the 14 UML Diagram Types What is Class Diagram? What is Component Diagram? What is Deployment Diagram? What is Object Diagram? UML Association vs Aggregation vs Composition UML Class Diagram Tutorial How to Model Constraints in UML? State Machine Diagram vs Activity Diagram UML Practic...
[完全免费] 在线UML Activity Diagram 活动图工具 - 教程第5部分,活动图与业务工作流程图类似,或者简单地说是具有更丰富语义的流程图。它描述了系统活动或进行活动的人员以及这些活动的顺序流程。活动图是与面向对象方法相关的UML图之一,因为它可以用于任何其他软件开发
4、UML Activity Diagrams Use an activity diagram (activity diagram: A special case of a statechart diagram in which all of the states are action states and the transitions are triggered by the completion of actions in the source state.) to describe the internal behavior of a method and repres...
How to Draw a Class Diagram in UML Deployment Diagram Tutorial Timing Diagram Tutorial UML Use Case Diagram Tutorial Object Diagram Tutorial UML Activity Diagram Tutorial What is Unified Modeling Language Component Diagram Tutorial Class diagrams are one of the most common types of diagrams in UML, ...
This chapter provides tutorial examples on UML activity diagram and notations. Topics include introduction to UML activity diagram; graphical notations to describe actions, control flows, decisions, merges, forks, joins, starts, finals, objects, etc.
如果点击MyPackage选中它,再点击New Diagram按钮就会弹出如下选择框(额滴神,要的就是它): 上图中被圈的就是上一模块中说的UML两类13种图。所以EA是基于UML2又不拘束于此。 最后必须要说的就是下图,点击UML Tutorial会打开UML最新版本的教程,不过是全英文的。如果想看中文的请看这。
如果点击MyPackage选中它,再点击New Diagram按钮就会弹出如下选择框(额滴神,要的就是它): 上图中被圈的就是上一模块中说的UML两类13种图。所以EA是基于UML2又不拘束于此。 最后必须要说的就是下图,点击UML Tutorial会打开UML最新版本的教程,不过是全英文的。如果想看中文的请看这。