Each microphone has a unique calibration file, which is why the serial number must be entered. "Sens Factor =-1.322dB, SERNO: 7023154" 10.054 -6.5726 10.179 -6.3949 10.306 -6.2205 ... 2. Get connected [Top] Mount the UMIK-1 into the small stand supplied with it, or if you like, ...
Answer Yes to the next question about the calibration file. Use the dialog box to locate one of your calibration files: Open the REW Preferences window. Select your output device, and select the UMIK-1 or UMIK-2 as the input device. On Windows, use the Java driver (this should be the...
results you can rely on. Forget about driver installation, OS compatibility and un-calibrated mics. The Umik-1 is a USB Audio class 1 device automatically recognized by all Operating Systems (Windows/Mac) and Ipad with Camera Connection Kit. It is provided with a unique calibration file based...
MiniDSP UMIK-1是测试话筒(全方向性话筒),可以当作录音设备用,下载录音软件连接电脑录音 。使用很简单,话筒用USB线连电脑即可,免驱动自动可以识别,需下载专门的测试软件——Dirac推荐用Room EQ Wizard。每个话筒还附带一份专用的校准文件(Calibration File),需要凭序列号到MINIDSP网站去下载。
All UMIK-1 are calibrated with a unique calibration file. In addition, a unique auto-generated 90-degree calibration file for use with the nanoAVR DL is provided. To download the calibration files, look for the 7 digit Serial Number found on the body of the microphone. 1) Enter the seria...
1. Get your calibration file 2. Get connected 3. Calibrate 4. Measure! 1. Get your calibration file [Top] Go to the UMIK-1 page and enter your microphone's serial number. It is in the form xxx-yyyy and labeled on the microphone. Use "Save As" in your browser to save the numbers...
For home theater and multichannel applications, point the microphone at the ceiling and use the 90-degree calibration file. Connect the UMIK to your PC. If your PC has an HDMI port, use an HDMI cable to connect it to your AVR or processor: If your PC doesn't have an HDMI port, you...
FuzzMeasure Pro will fetch your UMIK-1 calibration file and display it: Note: In its initial release, FuzzMeasure Pro 4 doesn't support absolute SPL calibration based on the sensitivity figure in the UMIK-1 calibration file. Acoustic measurements will be correct but the absolute SPL readings in...
For home theater and multichannel applications, point the microphone at the ceiling and use the 90-degree calibration file. Connect the UMIK to your Mac. If your Mac has an HDMI port, use an HDMI cable to connect it to your AVR or processor: If your Mac only has USB-C ports, use a...
The calibration file ensures that your microphone is as accurate as possible. Each microphone has a unique calibration file, which is why the serial number must be entered. "Sens Factor =-7.062dB, SERNO: 7001870" 10.054 -6.5726 10.179 -6.3949 10.306 -6.2205 ... ...