最有名的科研项目要属Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars。这个项目的学生除了一起搞科研,去研讨会之外,他们还住在同一个宿舍楼里。也就是说课外时间也有很多机会跟自己的同学和教授沟通自己的科研项目。 暑假期间,密歇根也给学生提供了8个Summer Programs短期科研项目,都是带奖学金的那种。因为这种短期项目含金量...
最有名的科研项目要属Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars。这个项目的学生除了一起搞科研,去研讨会之外,他们还住在同一个宿舍楼里。也就是说课外时间也有很多机会跟自己的同学和教授沟通自己的科研项目。 暑假期间,密歇根也给学生提供了8个Summer Programs短期科研项目,都是带奖学金的那种。因为这种短期项目含金量...
EECS 370: Introduction to Computer Organization. Hope you had a great semester. Good luck on the rest of your exams and have a great summer! 4/19/2016: Reminders for the final exam -. 1) The exam is 2 hours. Long Note that this is different than Midterm 1 and Midterm 2. 2) Bring...
University of Michigan is one of the top universities of the world, a diverse public institution of higher learning, fostering excellence in research. U-M provides outstanding undergraduate, graduate and professional education, serving the local, regiona
University of Michigan is one of the top universities of the world, a diverse public institution of higher learning, fostering excellence in research. U-M provides outstanding undergraduate, graduate and professional education, serving the local, regiona