Change opts.target_size_ to your marker size and run build_LiDARTag_library.m to generate your function library. Put the generated function dictuionary into LiDARTag/lib/ When placing the generated function dictionary in LiDARTag/lib/, please put different sizes into different sub-folders (0,...
0.29.2: update SAIGE to use the updated R library SPAtest 3.0.0 0.29: 1. The colSums() error when there is no covariate has been fixed. 2. BETA and Tstat are now for the alt allele for both quantitative and binary traits. Note that in version <= 0.26, for binary traits, BETA is...
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0.29.2: update SAIGE to use the updated R library SPAtest 3.0.0 0.29: 1. The colSums() error when there is no covariate has been fixed. 2. BETA and Tstat are now for the alt allele for both quantitative and binary traits. Note that in version <= 0.26, for binary traits, BETA is...