·Engineering degree is a Bachelor of Science Engineering (Computer Science) ·Double Majors ·LSA students can more easily double-major with other LSA departments ·Engineering students can more easily dual with other Engineering programs 上面这段英文简单说明下,在工院和文理学院都需要完成一些核心课程,...
单就专业来讲,UIUC的CS的确略领先于密歇根,但是Umich的cs department绝非泛泛之辈,而且密歇根超过百分之...
·Engineering degree is a Bachelor of Science Engineering (Computer Science) ·Double Majors ·LSA students can more easily double-major with other LSA departments ·Engineering students can more easily dual with other Engineering programs 上面这段英文简单说明下,在工院和文理学院都需要完成一些核心课程,...