Update: I've revised this, possibly the most popular umeboshi recipe in English online, to include some key troubleshooting notes. Originally published June 18, 2009. My mom has been making a batch of umeboshi every year since, and I've also added some more notes from her. My mother came...
For each musubi, spread 1/6th of the umeboshi paste on top of each rice ball (if using), and then drape a piece of egg over the long-side of the rice ball (if using). Lay over a piece of Spam, centered, with the tare side down so that it also flavors the rice. Wrap the nor...
肥丁可說是屬於看日本動畫長大的世代,對日式「梅乾」有種難以言喻的情意結 ( 動畫情節經常出現,便當盒白飯上有一顆紅色梅乾,好像日本國旗 ),每次經過日式超巿都想叫丁媽買給我,但是日本食品價格一向昂貴,多年來都開不了口,所以日式梅乾一直在肥丁的 Must Do List 上名列前茅。 小小的日式梅乾在日本飲食文...