External Magnetic Field Measurements in UME Kibble Balancedoi:10.21014/ACTA_IMEKO.V9I3.780Haci AhmedovBeste KorutluLev DorosinskiyRecep OrhanOzlen TuncelIMEKO International Measurement Confederation
Kibble balancemagnetic flux densitymeasurement techniquesPlanck constantThe kilogram, currently defined by the mass of a material artifact, the International Prototype of the Kilogram, will be defined in terms of a fundamental nature of constant, the Planck constant, ensuring long-term stability of the...
The novel dynamical measurement procedure developed for Kibble Balance Experiment in Turkey poses the advantage of being less sensitive to the environmental disturbances. Precise displacement measurements between the coil suspended from a balance and the surrounding magnetic circuit are vital to reach the ...