Our table is open! What children and youth programs do you offer? Kindergarten thru 5th Grade | We offer Children’s Church, which takes place during the Sunday morning worship time. Children start in the service with their parents or loved ones, then are invited to Children’s Church prior...
Maybe you can relate. One afternoon Lloyd decided to stop by the Ash Wednesday service at the university Episcopal church, not recalling much about the service except that it had something to do with ashes. Lloyd said, “I remember even now the power of the moment when I walked up to the...
My prayer as we continue to be bombarded by all sorts of “stuff” is that we rest on the Almighty love and grace of God. We trust Jesus to shield us and He seeks to work all things for our good. Remembering as we go on the twists and turns of this journey who we are and Whose...
Regularly audit all user, admin, and service accounts. Use CISA’sSCuBAGeartool to discover cloud misconfigurations. Securing Remote Access Services: Disable server message block (SMB) protocol version 1 and upgrade to version 3 (SMBv3).