最近看到很多人说别去UMass Amherst学体育管理,搞得我一头雾水。为啥呢?因为我觉得,其实挺香的!(纯个人经历和体验) 先说说我的背景吧。我本科是在UMass Amherst的体育管理学院毕业的。读研期间,我还负责了学院的校内招聘会(Career Fair)的营销宣传,成了这场活动的唯一Marketing Coordinator。这次经历让我对UMass的...
另外春秋秋季都有general和engineering的career fair,同学们一般去的都是engineering的,在我看来学校还是挺...
mentored thousands more through my livestreams. Apart from my work at CV, I am also a professional conductor and a multi-instrumentalist. I currently serve as the music director of the Apollo Ensemble of Boston, and I have led symphonic concerts and operatic productions throughout the United ...
认识一个小兄弟是从Umass Boston商管经济本科毕业的,说说他告诉我的感受吧。学习:学习氛围总体是一般的...