UMass Amherst位于美国新英格兰地区美丽富饶的Amherst镇, 四周环绕小山、森林、湖泊以及草地,距离波士顿和纽约城只有几个小时路程。学校有几个重要性的现代建筑标志:有Marcel Breuer设计的校园中心、Hugh Stubbins Jr of Skidmore Owings and Merrill设计的西南居住设计等,这些建筑风格吸引了大量的学生和游客。W.E.B. DuB...
美国前100大学双录取大全 学校概况 麻省大学波士顿校区 Umass Boston 学校简介: 该校创办于1968年,位于波士顿市区,麻省大学波士顿校区设有文科学院、管理学院、理科学院、护理与健康科学学院、公共服务学院、继续教育学院等六个学院和150多个本科、硕士学位课程及无学位学习项目。麻省大学主校区Amherst在美国4000多所大学中...
马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校 (University of Massachusetts Amherst,简称UMass Amherst),又称麻省大学安姆斯特分校,始建于1863年,坐落在美国马萨诸塞州的安姆斯特镇(Amherst),是麻省公立大学系统中的旗舰学校,也是最大和最老的学校。作为一所极其低调而又实力雄厚的大学,麻省大学安姆斯特分校也是美国文理学院四大联盟之一的麻...
马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校 (University of Massachusetts Amherst,简称UMass Amherst),又称麻省大学安姆斯特分校,始建于1863年,坐落在美国马萨诸塞州的安姆斯特镇(Amherst),是麻省公立大学系统中的旗舰学校,也是最大和最老的学校。作为一所极其低调而又实力雄厚的大学,麻省大学安姆斯特分校也是美国文理学院四大联盟之一的麻...
As a result his research will have direct positive impact on the health and well-being of the communities with whom he works. This type of research is at the core of the mission and vision of UMass Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences," said Marjorie Aelion, dean of ...
UMMS - Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. UMMS - Graduate School of Nursing. UMMS - Programs, Centers and Institutes. UMMS - School of Medicine. University of Massachusetts Amherst. University of Massachusetts Lowell. University of Massachusetts Medical School. Anesthesiology and Perioperative ...
One of the fastest-growing academic health centers in the country, UMMS is located in Worcester, Mass., while the other UMass sites are located in Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth and Lowell. UMMS can alternately be referred to as UMass Worcester. UMMS is ranked ninth in primary care education and...
Ask current UMass Amherst students questions about academics, campus life, dorm living, and more. Livestream viewers will get to vote on questions and ask
Sunghoon Ivan Lee, an assistant professor in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at UMass-Amherst, is using a $436,836 grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a connected health platform that uses video games to boost brain function in people with MCI....