FOOD industryNANOCAPSULESPACKAGING materialsPOLYMERIC nanocompositesIn recent years, nanotechnological applications on edible films have a lot of interest since they bring specific and functional properties to the products in which they are used. Many studies have been conducted on nanoparticles, which are...
ANGSTRM-PRESCOTT MODELNN POLNOM LE GELTRLMES VE DYARBAKIR GNE IINIMI VERLERNE UYGULANMASIdoi:10.15317/Scitech.2019.183TURKEYSOLAR energyREGRESSION analysisFOSSIL fuelsLINEAR statistical modelsTWENTIETH centuryHARMONIC analysis (Mathematics)The world's most important energy source, ...
TAM ZAMANLI RETM STEMNN UYGULANMASI VE MUHASEBELETRME LEMLER: MERNOS MASTERBATCH LETMESNDE BR UYGULAMAWith the development of globalization and technological developments, the competition between firms has increased intensely. Businesses which minimize cost have significant advantages in this competition....
AIZ YUMUAK DOKU LEZYONLARINDA PUNCH BYOPS YNTEMNN UYGULANMASI-PUNCH BIOPSY TECHNIQUE IN ORAL SOFT TISSUE LESIONSOzet Mukozal lezyonlann biyopsileri cesitli yontemlerle yapilmaktadir. Punch biyopsi agiz ici lezyonlarda guvenle kullanilabilen basit bir metoddur. Bu calismada, 30 hastada ...
Also an example about overhead costing variances causing from capacity is given. The differences between normal costing and actual costing method separately recorded.GNGRMÖğretimAliÖğretimHaydarÖğretimBOYARÖğretimEnderÖğretimMali Cozum Dergisi / Financial Analysis...
SUMMARY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY: THE CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCESOF SYMPTOMS IN ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER ANDOPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDERObjective: In this study, we aimed to compare the disturbition of symptoms of inatten- tion, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and symptoms of oppositional defiant ...
The main reason for this is that Time Based Activity Based Costing method calculates the idle capacity costs of the enterprise and reflects them to the unit product costs.EKNC, Mehmet AliENER, RecepJournal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Social Science Institute...
For this purpose, an application was made in a private education institution in TRA2 area. In addition, the effects of analyzing the costs and evaluating the results according to the TD-ABC which constitutes the main subject of the study, is examined. The materials of th...
OK KRTERL KARAR VERME YNTEMLERNDEN BULANIK PROMETHEE YNTEMNN KONTEYNIR SEMNDE UYGULANMASI. (Turkish).(English):Containers which are fabricated as an alternative for long time and high-cost productions classic construction models such as reinforced concrete offer big advantages for enterprises from...
For the analysis of the data Mann Whitney U and Wilcoxon Tests were used. Besides, experimental group students were interviewed. Outcomes of the study indicated that "text linguistic analysis method" is more effective in increasing students' comprehension and narration abilities in Turkish course, ...