1.首先进入BIOS界面,进入的方式是开机时一直敲击Esc按键(可能需要多次尝试) 2.用方向键选择顶栏菜单“Advanced”在展开的菜单中选择“GFX Configuration”敲击键盘中的Enter键。 3.进入后可看到”UMA Frame buffer Size”菜单,默认显存为3G 4.在此页面敲击空格键弹出次级菜单 5.根据需要通过上下方向键遍历,按回车键...
2. Update Windows: Check if there are any pending Windows Updates that needs to be installed. 3. Check BIOS Settings: Double-check the BIOS settings to ensure that the UMA frame buffer size is correctly set to 1GB. Sometimes, settings might ...
2. 按住音量+的同时按开机键,听到滴的一声的时候松开,进入BIOS。3. 按照图片,依次进入Setup Utility -> Advanced -> UMA Frame buffer Size, 将数值设置为4G。保存设置并退出。恭喜你,设置完成啦!送TA礼物 1楼2022-10-16 02:47回复 cyto 闻名一方 11 方法一所需文件的下载链接在这里:http://gofile.me...
Re:Can’t change UMA frame buffer size (latest bios 1.22) Laptop came preinstalled with windows 11. Has all the latest lenovo vantage updates and running the latest bios 1.22. It seems this isn’t the first time lenovo’s bios came with a non functioning UMA buffer size selectio...
选择NBIO Common Options 选择GFX Configuration 修改Integrated Graphics Controller项为Forces,改完会出现新的设置项 设置新出的设置项UMA Mode为UMA_SPECIFID,设置好会再出现新的选项 新出的选项UMA Frame buffer Size就是核显显存调节项,可以根据自己的需要选择。
5.在【UMA Frame buffer Size】这里可以调整显存的大小,可以根据自己的需求进行修改 7楼2023-06-16 09:34 回复 犬良- 天仙 11 如果修改显存为自动请按下面说明修改:【igpu Configuration 】改为Auto【UMA Version】改为AuTo【GPU HostTranslation Cache】 改为AuTo【TCON INSTANT ONLOGO】 改为AuTo下图显存为...
Re:BIOS with 1G UMA Frame Buffer on Lenovo Legion Go Hi Maxior, Welcome to the Community! I understand that you are looking to adjust the UMA Frame Buffer size to 1G on your Lenovo Legion Go to free up more RAM for other tasks. Currently, the ability to change the UMA ...