三、调整显存设置 在“Integrated Graphics Configuration”选项中,找到与显存设置相关的选项,如“UMA Frame Buffer Size”或类似的名称。 将该选项从默认的UMA Auto修改为手动设置的值,如2G或您期望的显存大小。请注意,这里的值取决于您的系统内存大小和实际需求。 四、保存并退出 完成设置后,在BIOS设置界面中选择“...
UMA Frame Buffer Size(UMA 帧缓冲区大小)— Auto(自动);32 MB;64 MB;128 MB;256 MB;512 MB(默认为 Auto [自动])
Re:Can’t change UMA frame buffer size (latest bios 1.22) Try going into Radeon Software -> Performance -> Tuning -> Change to Gaming. Reboot. I was able to dedicate 2 GB RAM to VRAM this way. My BIOS setting for UMA is Auto. It works. Thanks for help Re:Can’t change...
And GFX was actually set to auto. I had set the GFX clock at some point but must have set it back. In all the tinkering I've done it seems the UMA Frame Buffer Size is the one setting that changes things. 0 Likes Reply misterj In response to rmadness Big Boss 08-...
gtx 1650 itself. i would like to request the team to provide the uma frame buffer size settings in the bios as other manufacturers like asus do, so that we can change the default setting of the vega gpu from auto to a fixed size of 256mb or 512mb. according to this article by amd...
And GFX was actually set to auto. I had set the GFX clock at some point but must have set it back. In all the tinkering I've done it seems the UMA Frame Buffer Size is the one setting that changes things. 0 Likes Reply misterj In response to rmadness Big Boss ...
技嘉主板通过BIOS设定把UMA Frame Buffer Size 设置成800MB后正常运行一段时间后鼠标键盘失去作用 技嘉的主板通过BIOS程序设定把UMA Frame Buffer Size 设置成800MB后电脑正常运行,但是在一段时间后鼠标和键盘失去作用,另外通过Cloud OC把外频超到240也有此类情况电脑是AM
And GFX was actually set to auto. I had set the GFX clock at some point but must have set it back. In all the tinkering I've done it seems the UMA Frame Buffer Size is the one setting that changes things. 0 Likes Reply misterj In response to rmadness Big Bo...