Msi was changed for the commandline but forgot to update the install/uninstall. Also msi had the option to not remove the old version checked, also changed to remove. Committing to git Top lwc 40 Posts: 90 Joined: 2006-08-08 11:00 Re: UltraVN...
:_Install reg.exe QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ultravnc2_is1" >NUL 2>NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO _End ECHO %date% %time% Begin Install if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" ( ECHO %date% %time% Install %SourceDir%\UltraVNC_1.0.8.2_Setup.exe /sil...
*server deadlock fixed ( existed already for 2 years) *server tray install/uninstall/start stop service *minimize viewer and high cpu *save plugin options corrected *update uvnc_settings.exe ( added new settings, help pages, service buttons) *update repeater (could be locked by port scans) *...
- server deadlock fixed (existed already for 2 years) - server tray install/uninstall/start stop service - minimize viewer and high cpu - save plugin options corrected - update uvnc_settings.exe (added new settings, help pages, service buttons) - update repeater (could be locked by port sca...
If I stop or remove the ultravnc service (from the tools/force uninstall menu) the connection goes on and I can establish a remote control session. What are the correct parameters in scprompt.ini file to allow the connection without stop or remove ultravnc server? Many of my customers have...
UltraVnc's full uninstall command line is C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\unins000.exe. repeater.exe is the programs's main file and it takes close to 164.08 KB (168016 bytes) on disk.UltraVnc contains of the executables below. They occupy 6.82 MB (7152288 bytes) on disk.MS...
The full uninstall command line for UltraVnc is C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\unins000.exe. The application's main executable file is titled repeater.exe and occupies 158.80 KB (162608 bytes).The executable files below are installed beside UltraVnc. They occupy about 7.80 MB (8176096 by...
-uninstallhelper -installhelper -startservicehelper -stopservicehelper -securityeditorhelper -settingshelper Internal used by winvnc. The helpers are needed to simulate the current console user ( Service run as system). The start winvnc with the corresponding command line without "helper" with the "...
- server tray install/uninstall/start stop service - minimize viewer and high cpu - save plugin options corrected - update uvnc_settings.exe (added new settings, help pages, service buttons) - update repeater (could be locked by port scans) ...
*server tray install/uninstall/start stop service *minimize viewer and high cpu *save plugin options corrected *update uvnc_settings.exe ( added new settings, help pages, service buttons) *update repeater (could be locked by port scans)