VNC Client/Server (remote desktop) Whenever someone needs my help with their computer I usually connect with them through a screen sharing software such as CrossLoop. However, this can be a very bandwidth-heavy way of doing it. Plus, of course, the recipient needs to have the software instal...
++added Delay query window after restart ( to avoid multiple querywinodw accepts), server option ++added server option to enable/disable uvnckeyboardhelper.exe in win8 -win10 fixes -Single exe for wp-win10 -better multi monitor support -ultra2 encoder optimized -ddengine for win8>...
The sample use the localhost, so server connect to viewer running on the same host (replace localhost in helpdesk.txt to connect to a real external host) Check helpdesk.txt and SC_20.ini in sample to see how to add it. Test files
*write exact error" replaced by "server closed connection *cancel force socket close *viewer -listen also remember command linesinstaller *download files uncheck fix ** v1.0.8.0 Release DSM plugin: Multithreaded / interface support Require Multithreaded plugins viewer ...
- Microsoft Windows 2000: this latest version: Its embedded Java Viewer allows you to connect (and make File transfers) from a simple Web Browser on any system supporting Java (Linux, Mac OS, ...) to an UltraVNC Server. ...
VNC, the Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) allows a desktop to be viewed and controlled remotely over the Internet. A VNC Server must be run on the computer sharing the desktop, a VNC client must be run on the computer that will access the shared desktop....
- Microsoft Windows 2000: this latest version: Its embedded Java Viewer allows you to connect (and make File transfers) from a simple Web Browser on any system supporting Java (Linux, Mac OS, ...) to an UltraVNC Server. ...
🔗 Windows 95**, 98**, Me**, NT4**: latest version: Its embedded JavaViewer allows you to connect (and make File transfers) from a simple Web Browser on any system supporting Java (Linux, Mac OS, ...) to an UltraVNC Server. PcHelpWare and uvnc2me...
Come la versione precedente, UltraVNC SC consente di visualizzare e controllare un computer remoto; tuttavia, questa versione è costituita da un piccolo server UltraVNC da 166 KB che si configura e invia all'utente finale. Non si utilizzano voci del registro di sistema, l'utilità ...
en.ServerOnly=UltraVNC Server Only de.ServerOnly=Nur UltraVNC Server fr.ServerOnly=Seulement UltraVNC Server en.ServerOnlyS=UltraVNC Server Only "silent" de.ServerOnlyS=Nur UltraVNC Server "silent" fr.ServerOnlyS=Seulement UltraVNC Server "mode silencieux" en.ViewerOnly=UltraVNC Viewer...