UltraVNC一款免费的远程开源软件,可以在https://www.uvnc.com/网站上下载。 默认安装之后,会生成四个图标,一个是UVNC Server(服务器端),UVNC Viewer(客户端)、UVNC Repeater(中继)、UVNC Launcher(搜索)。 Server端可以安装成服务,以服务方式开机启动,如果安装时没有选择安装服务,可以以后在软件里随时安装。下面,...
Open on the internet (DMZ zone) Internal, but with 2 ports forward by the Nat router Situation is indicated by the lower image of the repeater settings window. Server settings Viewer settings Repeater settings Repeater logging In real life, replace localhost by the ip_address of the server run...
The UltraVNC Repeater acts like a proxy, sitting in the middle between the UltraVNC Server and UltraVNC Viewer. All data for the session is passed through the UltraVNC Repeater meaning that the UltraVNC Viewer and UltraVNC Server can both be behind a NAT firewall, without having to worry ...
On UltraVnc server, choose "Add New connection" from menu and give "host name" and "id code" ID:5555. Repeater should now show something like "Add_server_list(): Server added to list 5555" On UltraVnc viewer, write "ID:5555" on field "VNC Server". Also mark "...
我的标签 UltraVNC 简体中文版 MirrorDriver Launcher Repeater(2) 积分与排名 积分- 234860 排名- 4795 随笔分类 android(1) C#(26) 拼音化汉语(4) 软件中文化(4) 网络通信(30) 综合(17) 随笔档案 2022年1月(1) 2018年7月(1) 2017年9月(1) 2017年7月(1) 2016年10月(1) 2016年4月(...
(5) A seperate application "repeater" is needed. Both sites make an outgoing connection to the repeater and the repeater cross the data. (6) Using the encryption plugin you can use a longer password or a predefined key. (7) The password is generated for each session, access code is fixe...
(2)启动中继服务器上UltraVNC Repeater服务 启动中继服务之后,在托盘会有蓝色的小图标。 (3)配置被控端B机器 打开安装目录下的uvnc_settings.exe程序,在Service conmmand lines 输入: -autoreconnect ID:100 -connect 其中ID:100是自定义的编号,用于主控端连接。是中继服务器...
UltraVNCRepeaterGuide Ultra VNC Repeater Guide Document Version:5 Modified Date:2006-02-13 1.Downloading the repeater (1)2.Extracting the Zip File (4)3.Running/Configuring the Repeater (7)3.1Settings (9)3.2Logs (13)4.Configuring the Viewer/SC to use the Repeater (18)4.1Configuring ...
1、找一台公网服务器安装运行repeater 2、在客户机安装UltraVNC,设置为windows服务,使其每次开机都启动。 3、配置客户机 输入:-id:54 -autoreconnect -connect 其中54改为你自己设置的机子编号,改为repeater所在的地址,这样,每次启动都会运行命令,使用设置的id号连接repeater了。