Ultraviolet radiationis a non-ionizing form of invisible light, situated in the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (EM) between visible light and X-rays (NASA, 2019). Ultraviolet light comprises the wavelength range between 100 and 400 nm, which produces four main types of UV rays: UVA ...
Brant MichealThe photoionization efficiency (PIE) and pulsed field ionization-photoion (PFI-PI) spectra for sulfur atoms S(P), S(D) and S(S) resulting from the 193.3 nm photodissociation of CShave been measured using tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser radiation in the frequency range of ...
2) ultraviolet C radiation (UVC) 紫外线C波段;短波紫外线 UVC 3) C frequency-range ultraviolet C波段紫外线 4) ultraviolet C 短波紫外线 1. L-hydroxyproline changes in rats skin induced byultraviolet Cirradiation; 短波紫外线照射后大鼠皮肤羟脯氨酸含量的变化 ...
(跳至中文 » 英语) ultraviolet[ˌʌltrəˈvaıələt]形 ultraviolet 紫外(线)的zǐwàide ultravioletrays 紫外线 ultraviolet的例句 ultravioletrays 紫外线 您希望如何使用 PONS.com? 广告版的PONS 像往常一样访问PONS.com并进行广告跟踪和广告投放 ...
ultraviolet spectrum - the spectrum of ultraviolet radiation spectrum - an ordered array of the components of an emission or wave electromagnetic spectrum - the entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex ...
SFD as a detector of extreme ultraviolet radiation during solar flares The possibility of investigating the ionospheric effects of solar flares by means of the HF Doppler technique is discussed. The Doppler frequency shift 螖 ... VD Novikov,IN Odintsova - 《Journal of Atmospheric & Terrestrial Ph...
Phase-coherent frequency combs in the vacuum ultraviolet via high-harmonic generation inside a femtosecond enhancement cavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 193201 (2005). ADS Google Scholar Benko, C. et al. Extreme ultraviolet radiation with coherence time greater than 1 s. Nat. Photon. 8, 530...
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) is a form of wave energy (photon) generally recognized as a form of light belonging to a specific portion of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum (ERS). Photon energies in the ERS are directly associated with specific wave properties such as frequency (ν) in Hz or...
An additional, short (picosecond) probe laser pulse at a wavelength of 540 nm beats with the maximal atomic coherence and generates a short (picosecond) signal radiation pulse at 93 nm. As compared to conventional (diabatic) frequency conversion, the adiabatically driven maximal atomic coherence ...
a Responsivity and EQE curves at 0 V bias in the range of 120 ~ 300 nm. The insert shows the vertical coordinates of responsivity as logarithms. b Spectral responsivity curves at different bias voltages. c Low-frequency noise power spectral density at open circuit and connected state with...