SYNOPSIS. (P32O4) is rapidly incorporated into DNA of resting cells of Euglena. This incorporation is strongly inhibited by bleaching doses of ultraviolet light. Photoreactivation of the bleaching effect does not immediately restore the rate of P32 incorporation into DNA. It is indicated that ...
Ultraviolet-B (UVB), in addition to direct effects on DNA, induces immunological changes in the skin that predispose to the development of skin cancer. Whether ultraviolet-A (UVA) induces similar changes is unknown. This effect can be investigated in humans in vivo using epicutaneous antigens as...
These studies suggest that future studies may be focused on the addition of CNT into fibre reinforced polymer composites in order to improve their resistance against UV degradations. More work is required in this field to study the effect of different types of CNTs in terms of structure and ...
Effect of polyamine depletion on DNA damage and repair following UV irradiation of HeLa cells Treatment of HeLa cells with the polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors, methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG), difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) or a combinat... RD Snyder,PS Sunkara - 《Photochemistry & Pho...
A. Effect of UV irradiation on epidermal cell cytokine production. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B. Biol. 4, 1–13 (1989). CAS Google Scholar Dombrowski, Y. et al. Cytosolic DNA triggers inflammasome activation in keratinocytes in psoriatic lesions. Sci. Transl Med. 3, 82ra38 (2011). Pub...
UV-B=MiddleUV(2900to3200Å) UV-C=FarUV(2000to2900Å) Bactericidal UltravioletRadiation Mostlikelytobeused UV-BorUV-C UVRdepthofpenetrationis1to2mmPhysiologiceffectsaresuperficialUsedtotreatvariousskindisorders EffectonCells UVRcauseschemical...
Effect of ultraviolet radiation in cataract formation The use of ultraviolet absorption measurements for the estimation of RNA by the Schmidt-Thannhauser procedure has been examined on samples of rat liver. Co... HR Taylor,SK West,FS Rosenthal,... - 《N Engl J Med》 被引量: 1258发表: 1988...
7 different mutations that confer sensitivity to inactivation by ultraviolet light have been investigated for their effect on spontaneous mutation at the a... FJD Serres,H Inoue,ME Schüpbach - 《Mutation Research/fundamental & Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis》 被引量: 113发表: 1980年 Superoxide...
Analysis of the Effect of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on the Culturable Bacterial Community of PeanutThe requirement for photosynthesis in plants dictates the exposure of aerial chlorophyll-containing structures to natural sunlight. Thus, an important component of the physical environment of the phyllosphere ...
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is known to cause a number of biochemical changes in plant cells involving proteins, DNA and lipids (see Vincent and Roy, 1993 for a review). It is reasonable to assume that these changes should be observed as changes in the FTIR spectra of microalgae exposed to...