The meaning of ULTRASOUND is vibrations of the same physical nature as sound but with frequencies above the range of human hearing. How to use ultrasound in a sentence.
MD, founder and CEO, IQ Laser Vision, California. “The most precise epithelial mapping technology with accuracy down to 1 um allows me to better assess the risk of keratoconus. Better visualization into the anterior segme...
Remote and precisely controlled activation of the brain is a fundamental challenge in the development of brain–machine interfaces for neurological treatments. Low-frequency ultrasound stimulation can be used to modulate neuronal activity deep in the bra
Twenty PD patients were prospectively selected from both outpatient and inpatient units of the Department of Neurology at the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics (Kaunas, Lithuania) from March 2018 until March 2019. Neurologists who consulted the patients for a movement...