Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is supported by a complex microenvironment whose physical contribution to chemoresistance could be overcome by ultrasound (US) therapy. This study aims to investigate the ability of US-induced inertial cavitation in association with chemotherapy to alter tumor cell ...
Indeed, as anticipated in the introduction, the only one paper about steroids analysis in compost [6] considers just four oestrogens and, although assuring good recoveries, it relies on a time-consuming sample preparation involving 3 × 15 min UAE cycles in MeOH and acetone (2 g sample), 1...
As has been recently pointed out [26], the main limitation of published ultrasound studies is the fact that they lack serial repetition during the transplant. Most of these studies have, indeed, evaluated the diagnostic capability of the ultrasound, with data only obtained when the clinical diagno...
Indeed, in the last years, ECs have been identified and quantified in effluents from wastewater treatment plant effluents, surface water, groundwater and even drinking water [3,5,7,8]. It is important to note that ECs can have harmful effects both on the environment where they are located ...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is becoming a global public health issue and the identification of the steatosis severity is very important for the patients’ health. Ultrasound (US) images of 214 patients were acquired in two different scan vi
The aim of this study was the development of an efficient “green” extraction method of Nannochloropsis oculata to produce antioxidant extracts and nutritious residual biomass. Twenty-one extraction methods were evaluated by measuring the reactivity wit
Open AccessSystematic Review by Valerio Sveva 1, Giacomo Farì 2, Annatonia Fai 3,*, Alessio Savina 1, Mattia Giuseppe Viva 1, Francesco Agostini 1, Maurizio Ranieri 3, Marisa Megna 3, Massimiliano Mangone 1, Marco Paoloni 1and Andrea Bernetti ...