I once treated a young patient who frequently had colds and fevers since childhood. He also had such a lymph node in his neck, about 3 cm in size.When he came to see me, I initially thought it might be a problematic lymph node because it was 3 cm by 2 cm, slightly round. However...
Preoperative identification of lymph node metastases is essential to allow for adequate surgical planning by determining extent of initial surgery, thereby optimizing recurrence-free survival outcomes. Postoperatively, surveillance of neck nodes allows for early detection of disease recurrence. Neck sonography...
Macroscopic lymph-node involvement and neck dissection predict lymph-node recurrence in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Endocrinol. 2008;158(4):551–60. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Urken ML, et al. Management of recurrent and persistent metastatic lymph nodes in well-differentiated ...
neckhasamajorimpactondiagnosisand treatmentofavarietyofdiseases. 1 Lymph nodesinthesesitesareinvolvedinlocalandgeneral disordersaswellasinflammatoryprocessesand neoplasms. 2 Manydiseasesareassociatedwithvisi- blelymphadenopathy.Currentlyavailableimaging proceduresplayanimportantroleintheevaluation ...
Lymph nodes.An enlarged cervical lymph node is the most commonly encountered neck lump. The role of ultrasound is to differentiate pathological nodes (e.g., metastases, lymphoma, tuberculous lymphadenitis) from normal/reactive nodes (Figure 1). Different ultrasound criteria have been established to ...
Ultrasound Interventions in the Neck with Emphasis on Postthyroidectomy Papillary CarcinomaThyroidUltrasoundFine needle biopsyThyroid carcinomaMetastatic papillary carcinoma of the thyroidCervical lymph nodeThis article reviews the sonographic technique for a basic ultrasound of the thyroid and a typical post...
Ultrasound is also a common imaging modality to assess neck lymph nodes in head and neck cancer patients. Various AI-empowered and computer-assisted diagnostic tools for ultrasound examination of thyroid nodules are available. AI-based algorithms for lymph node segmentation and classification in ...
Background and objectives:Currently there are no recommendations for obtaining a preoperative neck ultrasound for patients with suspicious or indeterminate thyroid nodules. Because a preoperative surgical ultrasound can detect suspicious lymph nodes that could result in ultimately altering surgical management, ...
timetissueelastographytoheadandneckcancer- evaluationofcervical lymphnodemetastasiswithreal-timetissueelastography [J].NihonJibiG inkokaGakkaiKaiho2007Jul;110(7):503-505 [20] AoyagiS,IzumiK,HataH,etal.Usefulnessofreal-timetissueelastography fordetectinglymph-nodemetastasesinsquamouscellcarcinoma[J].Clin ...
of primary to regional lymph nodes (head and neck, supraclavicular, axilla, infraclavicular, groin) in patients with cutaneous melanoma with or without sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) or former elective or consecutive complete lymph node dissection in case of positive sentinel lymph node (CLND)....