You can check Ultraman section now. “Ultraman Card Game” to be released simultaneously worldwide in summer 2024!"Ultraman'', which was broadcast in 1966, was a huge hit with a peak audience rating of 42.8%, captivating children all over Japan and spark
Ultraman (ウルトラマン, Urutoraman) is the main hero of Ultraman. He fused with SSSP agent Shin Hayata after a crash accident. He is the first Ultra to arrive on Earth and protect it from monsters and aliens. As the first of his kind to be named "Ultrama
Merchandise including an articulated line of action figures by toy company 光谱动漫[46], sofvi figures, roleplay toys and a trading card game (平行宇宙奥特曼英雄 Into The Ultrahero Verse) by Blue Magic Culture Communication; Mobile games marketed internationally (namely Ultraman Rumble, Ultraman Batt...
Pigmon appears in the "Kaiju Steps" side story in the first issue of every series. He is a kaiju mascot of the USP that informs cadets of the rules of the organization. Pigmon is usually seen with Cadet Pierre. MerchandiseUltra Monster Series...
By introducing a new factor into the game, I change the rules. Playing by the rules is so very predictable- I want Ultraman to break them." the Garoga locked eyes with the Pitt, staring at her intensely as he recited his plans, his voice seemed more confident and more passionate than ...
Anime style digital collectable card game Alteil haslaunched a new engine. New features include -Single Player Mode -Duel Spectators -New Avatar System -New Website -New Rulebook -Demo Mode * Super Robot Wars Neo trailerand a compilation of the new source anime ...
The most sound 80 has made was before fighting Jihibikiran, in order to give the rules for their battle. Like Taro, 80's original stock grunts (especially the grunt 80 made when he flies away after battle "Shuwatch") are used in later appearances and in video games. 80 makes a cameo...