“The current Early Access version includes the prelude, the first act, second act and the 7th layer (out of 9) *29 levels* (as well as 6 secret levels) The prelude and first 7 layers have been made sure to reach the level of quality that would be expected of a completed game.” ...
This may be a reference to a particular secret ending in Silent Hill 2[4]. The theme that plays here is called "Theme of Dawg". The Earthmover in the distance that is having a sniper duel with the Earthmover we climb is actually really small and has a plushie of BigRock on its ...
Level 5-1: In The Wake Of Poseidon Category Any% Exit 5-1 Secret Exit Patch EA (4/27/23) Run Rank Obsolete In-Game Time 0m08s147ms Date 1 year ago Platform PC Details Player Vjs0 Verified 1 year ago mercykill Submitted 1 year ago ...
make it so you need style for a p-rank, meaning you can't just mach run your way through the level. Interestingx1 10mo Suggestion: When killing an enemy in ball form, maybe have a style bonus called "+STRIKE!" Maxeplier 10mo ...
Secret of the Magic Crystals - The Race Secret of the Magic Crystals - Soundtrack and Coloring Book Secret of the Magic Crystals - Dress Up Septerra Core Serial Cleaner Shadow Warrior 2 Shadowrun Returns Shadows: Price For Our Sins Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom Shoppe Keep Sid Meier's Civili...
Fixed a softlock in 6-1 caused by placing the red skull on the secret fight altar and resetting back to a checkpoint before the exterior section The final arena in 6-1 will no longer re-lock if the player beats it, goes back and activates a checkpoint from a previous part of the le...