三星发表首款内建光驱的Ultrabook 三星电子(Samsung Electronics)12月12日发表首款Ultrabook,名为「Series 5 Ultra」,分别有13寸和14寸的机型,其中14寸机型为首款内建光驱的Ultrabook。 根据消息,两款Series 5 Ultra的厚度均在0.8寸左右,配备固态硬盘(SSD),屏幕为13寸和14寸。14寸机型比一般的Ultrabook大且重,主...
准现货出:VIZIO CT15-A1 Ultrabook 超级本(15.6英寸IPS/1920*1080/i5-3317U/128GB SSD/1.78KG)。已经通过USPS转运回国内了(USPS运费收了540元,但是速度快),大概5天到货。4550元不含税出,被税的话如实收取。有意的请联系账号上I的号码~ 2013-03-25 赞 回复 脏东西太多 薄 真的是有牺牲的啊 单铜管...
配置方面,Acer Aspire 4830TG-2412G64MNBB笔记本采用双核心四线程, 可睿频加速至2.9GHz的Intel 酷睿i5 2410M处理器(2.3GHz主频),显卡方面采用1G显存容量的NVIDIA GT 540M 集成Intel HD Graphics 3000双显卡,支持一键双显卡切换。另外2G DDR3 1333内存,640G大容量硬盘,内置了摄像头和六芯电池,支持DVD刻录光驱。 ...
in a lightweight and compact magnesium chassis. It gets a 13-inch 3:2 touchscreen with smaller bezels, Intel Core U hardware (fanless in the i3/i5 variants on the Pro 5-7 generations, fan-cooled on all versions of the Pro 8), and a larger battery, but with...
Acer Aspire S3 蜂鸟951是大陆地区第一款上市的超极本,具备仅13mm的厚度机身、1.35公斤的超轻重量,并内置低电压酷睿i5双核处理器以及320GB机械硬盘,整体性能较为不错。目前该机在京东商城已经开始接受预定,价格为6999元,感兴趣的朋友不妨加以关注。【页面链接】 ...
but has 180-degree pivoting hinges that allow it to be collapsed into a Tablet form factor - a design that we've only seen in the past on the Lenovo Yoga. I've provided a quick overview video below for your viewing pleasure, but with an Intel Core i...
As for the CPU, even a modern Intel Core i5 or Ryzen 5 should handle games without stress, but you can go with Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 options if you also plan to run some CPU-demanding loads for work or school. For what is worth, Intel platforms are the more powerful optio...
The laptop’s cover is a smooth, lightly brushed slate-gray aluminum with a small silver Samsung logo on the left side. The interior is largely the same: smooth, lightly brushed, and slate-gray, though not all of it is aluminum (just the wrist-rest area is metal; the remainder ...
Samsung Series 7 Ultra (730U3E) Ultrabook 亦以全鋁製作的機身,輕巧型格,厚度更不到 20mm ,配配備 13.3 吋全高清輕觸屏幕,支援 10 點觸控及 1920 x 1080 解像度。提供 Intel Core i7 或 i5 系列超低電壓處理器給用家選擇,採用 16 GB 記億體,超低電壓處理器令電池續航力更為耐久及穏定。
This time, we’ll take a look at the smaller 14-inch Thin + Light, with a 1.7GHz Core i5 processor and 128GB of solid state storage. Can this device avoid the problems that plagued the 15.6-inch model, and be the “$2,000 PC for half the price” McRae envisioned?