三星发表首款内建光驱的Ultrabook 三星电子(Samsung Electronics)12月12日发表首款Ultrabook,名为「Series 5 Ultra」,分别有13寸和14寸的机型,其中14寸机型为首款内建光驱的Ultrabook。 根据消息,两款Series 5 Ultra的厚度均在0.8寸左右,配备固态硬盘(SSD),屏幕为13寸和14寸。14寸机型比一般的Ultrabook大且重,主...
在 CES 开幕的前夕我们想聆听你的想法。 acerCES 2012IntelLenovoLGSamsungUltrabook
How Ultrabook Performance Degrades Over Time with a Samsung TLC SSD Computer Memory Samsung's TLC SSDs are screwing their customers! A bug with Triple Level Cell NAND memory causes performance to degrade and voids warranty early. Find out whether you're affected and get a fix. By Kannon ...
although still a low-power RTX 4050, so not a very capable one. Plus, the XPS 14 is quite a lot heavier than the XPS 13, and than most of the other 14-inch premium ultrabooks as well, which might deter some of your away.
Intel actually does not impose a weight limit for ultrabooks, but does impose one when it comes to their thickness, as mentioned before. Up to 14 inch ultrabooks have to measure 18 mm or less in their thickest point (0.7 inch), while larger 14 and 15.6 inch ultrabooks can go up to ...
2012年5月14日,CAFC判定D889專利有效,Apple立即提出無需經由聽證會取得Galaxy Tab 10.1平板電腦初步禁制令的請求。2012年6月26日,北加州聖荷西聯邦地區法院法官Lucy Koh同意Apple針對Samsung的Galaxy Tab 10.1平板電腦的初步禁制令之請求。2012 年7月6日,美國華盛頓上訴法院 6日裁決,維持Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 平板...
Super Roader - Samsung Galaxy S22 krijgt in Korea een Snapdragon processor 2021-11-12 01:33 黑客正利用高效语音机器人骗取双因素身份验证码 2021-11-08 01:27 How to use stickers and memes in Microsoft Teams 2021-10-30 00:51 Tangle Collaboration spaces for remote teams 2021-08-25 00:30 Tamag...
三星(SAMSUNG)900X1B-A03(参数报价点评) 编辑点评:超轻薄笔记本电脑无疑是各家厂商展示自身设计和制造功力的最好舞台,三星笔记本电脑凭借领先的设计理念和精湛的做工为广大消费者送上精品笔记本。这款900X1B-A03无论是从厚度、散热、屏显、还是续航表现都很出色,而且不足8000元的价格在同类产品中也具有较大优势。
With ultrafast Samsung PCIe NVMe SSD storage, you can open files and applications more than two times faster than SATA SSD* * Results represent the overall performance in the Storage Access test, which evaluates storage read / write performance in 10 applications. PCIe NVME SSD is an optional ...
SAMSUNG 三星 990 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 固态硬盘 Plus|PCIe4.0*4/5.0*2 1920.76元 ZHITAI 致态 TiPlus7100 固态硬盘 NVMe M.2接口(PCI-E4.0)512G 409元 2 / 4优惠爆料原文 购买渠道 美国亚马逊 去购买 VIZIO是北美知名的家电品牌,产品主要为液晶电视等,并于今年中旬正式跨入了电脑市场,发布了All-in-...