Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a radio technology based on the IEEE 802.15.4a and 802.15.4z standards that can enable a more precise measure of the Time of Flight of the radio signal, leading to centimeter accuracy distance/location measurement. ...
Qorvo's ultra-wideband (UWB) technology opens up new possibilities within mobile, automotive, industrial and consumer IoT markets and applications. The Impulse Radio UWB technology pioneered by Decawave (acquired by Qorvo in 2020) enables centimeter accuracy distance / location measurement and secure ...
NXP's ultra-wideband (UWB) technology enables secure ranging and precision sensing, creating a dimension of spatial context for wireless devices. UWB technology processes contextual information to ease decision making and precise device management. UWB Localization Use Cases Success Stories Partners...
UWB technology enables secure ranging and precision sensing, creating a new dimension of spatial context for wireless devices.
Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a radio-based communication technology for short-range use and fast and stable transmission of data. UWB is the preferredtechnology for indoor positioningin complex and space-sensitive environments due to its precision, speed, and reliability. ...
UWB定位技术(Ultra-Wideband)是一种利用超宽带脉冲信号实现高精度定位的技术特点: 一、高精度:UWB定位技术能够提供亚厘米级别的定位精度,这是由于其使用了极短的电磁脉冲来传输数据,并通过计算从接收器和发射器之间的时间差来确定物体的位置。这种精度在几厘米到几毫米的范围内,是其他定位技术难以企及的。
UWB stands for “ultra wideband”, a short-range wireless communication technology that enables extremely precise location tracking. A UWB-enabled device can send and receive data across short distances with incredible speed. Most often, these “pulse-based” radio waves are used to measure location...