(2022) designed an ultra-wideband dual-polarized base station antenna for LTE/5G bands. By adding a bow-like parasitic patch, the antenna finally obtains a wide band of 50.4% (2.24–3.75 GHz) and realizes high isolation by using a Γ-microstrip line. Moreover, the antenna also obtained ...
For such applications, wideband or multiband antenna structures are popular candidates. Moreover, for mobile applications, such antenna should have features as low-profile, simple feeding structure, and easy-for-production. Among all the possible antenna structures, dipole based ones are always ...
6. Design of Quad-Port Ultra-Wideband Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Antenna with Wide Axial-Ratio Bandwidth [O] . Pawan Kumar, Shabana Urooj, Areej Malibari 2020 机译:宽轴比带宽四端口超宽带多输入多输出天线设计 7. Coplanar waveguide-fed ultra-wideband antenna with WLAN band [O] . Cha...
By embedding the modified H-shaped resonator beside the microstrip feedline, band-rejected filtering properties in the wireless local area network/worldwide interoperability for microwave access bands are generated. By changing the modified H-shaped resonator??s dimensions, the proposed antenna shows ...
Design of Ultra-wideband Printed Rectangular Monopole Antenna针对超宽带通信应用,研究影响印制单极天线阻抗带宽的主要因素,设计基于微带馈电的小型化印制矩形单极天线.按照等效性原理,采用黄金分割比设计矩形振子体;通过接地面上端引入渐变梯形或凹形结构,同时调整馈入端接地面间隙,可实现印制矩形单极天线的超宽带特性....
These antennas must have a very wide band and not disperse or distort the pulses. This paper describe in a first part a transient method to design UWB antennas for transient application. In a second part, it gives some examples of antennas for radar and communication applications.Diot, J.-C...
ultrawideband (UWB) antennaA novel band-notched planar monopole ultrawideband (UWB) antenna is proposed. A notched band, located in the 5 GHz WLAN band, is created using a resonator at the center of a fork-shaped antenna. The resonator is composed of an open-looped resonator and two ...
ultra-wide bandlog periodic dipole arraypolarimetricSARUltra-Wide Band (UWB) antenna descriptors have been used to design an optimal Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) antenna for the Army Research Laboratory's (ARL) BoomSAR. Although dispersive in nature, the LPDA design offers improvements over ...
In this paper we present a specific type of monopole antenna designed in order to obtain the lowest return losses over the extremely high bandwidth defined by the frequency band between 3 and 20 GHz. This frequency band has been chosen to cover the definition of Ultra Wide-Band (UWB), ...
Balanced antipodal vivaldi antenna with dielectric director for near-field microwave imaging. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2010, 58, 2318–2326. [CrossRef] 40. Amineh, R.K.; Trehan, A.; Nikolova, N.K. Tem horn antenna for ultra-wide band microwave breast imaging. Prog. Electromagn. Res....