Feedbacks for UltraVNC 1.5.0.X-dev in this topic. UltraVNC - feb 2025: - Fallback to old folder when ultravnc.ini not found - Commandline option have priority (Viewer) - Fix encryption viewonly (VNC password) - Settingsdialog fix enable/disable SettingsDialog cosmetics - ...
1、设置远程控制软件 UltraVNC_.2说明书第1个标题:networl网络incoming connections 传入的连接第一个选项 enable incoming port使输入端口 rfb port 协议端口第二个选项 Enable jaca port使哈卡端口Http port端口 Manual手的;手工的;用手操作的第三个选项 allow loopback connections允许环回连接 第四个选项loopback...
设置远程控制软件UltraVNC_1.说明书 第1个标题:networl网络 incoming connections传入的连接 第一个选项 第二个选项 第三个选项 第四个选项 enable incoming port使输入端口rfb port协议端口 Enable jaca port使哈卡端口Http port端口Manual手的;手工的;用手操作的allow loopback connections允许环回连接 loop...
service commandline: -autoreconnect -connect service commandline: -autoreconnect ID:xxxx -connect repeater_IP:5500 commandline: winvnc.exe -autoreconnect ID:xxxx -connect repeater_IP:5500 -run Notice that -run is only used on the commandline not for the service commandline. Loggi...
- monitor value is saved, but vncviewer read it as bool (true/false) - Only 0/1 are correct imported - old plugins fail when zrle encoding is used - old plugins give incorrect info in statusbox - -autoreconnect timeout, -reconnectcounter number (available from gui and commandline) ...
Line 2: startup command line -connect ip:port: Viewer ip and port -noregistry: needed for SC -plugin: Use encryption, option needs to be before -connect parameter -id id: The id used for repeater connection, -connect is in that case the repeater ip port Sample [TITLE] UltraVnc SC [...
1. 下載UltraVNC的最新版。 例如:UltraVNC_1.0.8.2_Setup.exe。 如果你的作業系統是64位元的,則下載64位元的版本,例如:UltraVNC_1.0.8.2_x64_Setup.exe 2. 建立安裝選項檔,ultravnc.inf。 執行UltraVNC_1.0.8.2_Setup.exe /saveinf=ultravnc.inf,此時會進行安裝,並將安裝過程的選項記錄在ultravnc.inf檔案...
winvnc/winvnc vncproperties.cpp winvnc.rc 12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions 12 vncviewer/SessionDialog.cpp Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ BOOL CALLBACK SessDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) helper::SafeSetWindow...
设置远程控制软件ultravnc_1.安装说明书.docx,设置远程控制软件 UltraVNC_.2 说明书 1 个标题: networl 网络 incoming connections传入的连接 第一个选项 第二个选项 第三个选项 第四个选项 enable incoming port 使输入端口 rfb port 协议端口 Enable jaca port