Fan Central Current ru:Веджеттоfr:Vegettoel:Βετζίτοes:Vegerotde:Vegettoca:Vegekupt-br:Vegettoit:Vegethpl:Vegettonl:Vegitolt:Vedžekastr:Vegito
Xeno Vegito (in his own Limit Breaker form) and Vegito (in Barrier Blue) confront the legendary Saiyan, with Broly able to match the two of them combined before they are interrupted by Fu's revival of the Universe Tree. Soon after, Vegito holds Broly off in order to allow Xeno Vegito ...
In Dragon Ball Heroes, Gogeta's Super Saiyan 2 is remarkably different from his Super Saiyan form, the hair grows spikier and slightly longer, making it very easy to tell the difference between both forms, while Vegito's Super Saiyan 2 has a similar visual look to his regular Super Saiyan...